Best Programming Languages to Learn for Future Coders

Choosing the right programming languages to learn is a strategic move in the tech world. This article serves as your no-nonsense guide to the best programming languages to learn, which are crucial for career development, catering to both novices and professionals. You’ll get a succinct overview of languages tailored to various tech sectors, coupled with their career relevance and community ecosystem. Dive in to discover the programming skills that will keep you competitive in fields ranging from web and mobile development to data science, and understand the ‘why’ behind their standing in today’s technology landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Python stands out for beginners due to simplicity and readability, but multiple programming languages should be learned to enhance career prospects, with factors such as industry demand, learning curve, and career goals influencing the choice.

  • Web development relies heavily on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for creating visually appealing and interactive websites, with JavaScript being particularly versatile for both front-end and server-side development.

  • In the backend development sphere, Python and PHP are prominent; Python for its versatility and data processing capabilities, and PHP for its ease of use and wide application in web development despite security and scalability concerns.

Understanding Programming Languages

Programming languages serve as the bridge between humans and computers. They allow us to communicate complex instructions in a form that machines can understand and execute. But not all programming languages are created equal. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and their use depends largely on the task at hand.

Among the most popular programming languages is Python, often considered the best programming language for beginners. As one programming language that stands out for its simplicity and readability, Python makes it an excellent option for beginners. This language enables them to grasp programming concepts swiftly and start building software applications. The extensive community support and abundance of learning resources further enhance the appeal of Python for novice programmers.

However, while Python’s simplicity makes it a great starting point, it’s not the only language worth learning. Programming offers a range of diverse options, and proficiency in several languages can lead to numerous opportunities. From web development to data science, each domain has its preferred set of languages, and getting a hang of them can significantly boost your coding skills and career prospects.

This leads to a common query among budding programmers: which programming language is best to learn? Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this. The selection of a programming language is influenced by several aspects such as your interests, career aspirations, and specific project requirements.

Types of Programming Languages

In the vast ocean of programming languages, certain types stand out due to their distinct characteristics and use cases. Among the major types are procedural, object-oriented, and scripting languages.

Procedural programming languages, such as C, Pascal, and FORTRAN, are examples of general purpose programming language that organize code into reusable blocks known as procedures or functions. With programming knowledge, they’re like a recipe, with step-by-step instructions that tell the computer exactly what to do. If you’re wondering which programming language to learn, these languages can be a great starting point.

On the other hand, technically programming languages like Java, Python, C++, and Ruby are examples of the object oriented programming language category.

approach coding differently. They model the world as a collection of objects that interact with each other, making them a great fit for applications that require complex data structures and interactions.

Then we have scripting languages, which are a favorite for automating repetitive tasks. These languages, which include the likes of Python, Ruby, and Perl, are known for their easy-to-learn syntax and dynamic typing. They’re a perfect choice if you’re looking to automate tasks, manipulate data, or build simple web applications.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Language

Selecting the appropriate programming language is a significant decision that can shape your career path. There are several factors to consider when making this choice, especially when dealing with multiple programming languages.

One of the most important factors is the language’s popularity and demand in the industry. For instance, in demand programming languages such as JavaScript and Python are highly sought after by professionals. When choosing a language, it’s also essential to consider its learning curve. For example, Python is often recommended for beginners due to its simple and intuitive syntax, while the R programming language may be more challenging for novices.

Lastly, the choice of language should also align with your career goals and the specific applications you aim to work on.

Web Development Languages

Web development, a subset of the broader field of software development, is an essential field in the tech industry, and it relies heavily on a specific set of programming languages. At the heart of every website or web application are languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These languages work together to create the interactive and visually appealing websites we browse every day.

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the skeleton of a website. It structures the content on a webpage by defining elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, and images. On the other hand, CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is the language that styles and designs these elements. CSS gives a webpage its unique look, setting the colors, fonts, and layout. Both languages are key to creating a website that is both functional and visually appealing.

In terms of functionality, JavaScript is the driving force behind interactive websites. It enables dynamic elements on web pages that react to user inputs, enhancing the user experience. JavaScript is a versatile language that not only powers the front end of websites but also:

  • runs on the server-side

  • allows for real-time updates

  • enables the creation of web applications

  • provides a wide range of libraries and frameworks

This makes it a valuable tool in a web developer’s toolbox.

Knowing these languages is crucial for any aspiring web developer. However, each language has its unique characteristics and purposes. We will now proceed to learn more about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


HTML and CSS are the building blocks of web design. HTML structures the content on a webpage, creating a framework for organizing elements. It allows developers to define various text elements like:

  • headings

  • paragraphs

  • lists

  • links

It also facilitates the inclusion of other forms of content like images and videos on a webpage.

Conversely, CSS improves the visual aspect and layout of web pages. It segregates the appearance of content from its structure, enabling a diverse array of styles and granting control over design elements like:

  • colors

  • fonts

  • spacing

  • positioning

Together, HTML and CSS collaborate to create a comprehensive and visually appealing web experience.


While HTML and CSS lay the groundwork for a website, JavaScript brings it to life. JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language with first-class functions. It enriches web pages by incorporating sophisticated client-side features, making web pages interactive and dynamic.

JavaScript is renowned for its versatility, with applications on both the client-side and server-side. This flexibility makes it a powerful language for web development. On the client-side, it facilitates interactive and dynamic elements on web pages that react to user inputs, such as changing the display of a button when it’s clicked or validating form inputs instantly. It’s no wonder JavaScript is one of the most popular languages for web development.

Backend and Server-Side Languages

While frontend languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript manage a website’s visual aspects, backend languages operate in the background to power web applications and oversee data processing. Among the widely used languages for backend web development are Python and PHP. Here is the guide to understanding front end and back end development differences

Python is known for its versatility, speed, and ease of learning. It’s widely used in server backend development and is also the language of choice for data analysis and machine learning. Python’s ability to handle diverse data processing tasks makes it an invaluable tool in the modern data-driven world.

PHP, on the other hand, is a widely utilized server-side scripting language supported by an extensive range of frameworks. Despite its limitations in security and scalability, PHP has gained significant popularity and is seen as relatively accessible for novice learners.

We will now examine Python and PHP in more detail to understand their uniqueness in backend development.


Python’s simplicity and readability have made it a favorite among beginners and experts alike. It’s considered beginner-friendly because of its user-friendly syntax and the extensive community support that offers a wealth of learning resources. However, Python’s capabilities go beyond just simplicity. It also supports object-oriented programming and offers a wide range of libraries and frameworks, making it a versatile tool for various programming tasks.

Python’s versatility shines in backend web development and data processing. It’s favored for server backend development due to its speed, efficiency, and ease of learning. Furthermore, Python is the language of choice for data analysis and machine learning. Its capability to handle diverse data processing tasks makes it well-suited for these fields.

Whether you’re developing a web application or analyzing large data sets, Python is a solid choice.


PHP is a server-side scripting language that’s been around for a while. It’s supported by an extensive range of frameworks and is used by a whopping 66% of websites. PHP’s popularity stems from its ease of use and accessibility, especially for beginners. While it has its limitations, PHP has seen substantial improvements over the years, transitioning into a more versatile programming language.

The language is often used in web development, producing dynamic content and interfacing with databases. It’s also used in creating various types of websites, such as:

  • social media platforms

  • content management systems

  • e-commerce websites

  • and more

Despite its drawbacks, PHP continues to be a popular choice for web developers worldwide.

Database Management Languages

When managing data, some languages outperform others. SQL and NoSQL are two such languages, designed specifically for database management and data manipulation. These languages allow developers to store, retrieve, and manipulate data in a structured and efficient manner.

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is used to manage data in relational databases. In a relational database, data is organized in a structured tabular form with predefined relationships. SQL allows developers to execute database queries to perform various operations on the data.

On the other hand, NoSQL caters to diverse data models and is well-suited for handling large volumes of unstructured data. Unlike SQL, which adheres to a structured and tabular relational model, NoSQL accommodates diverse data models such as:

  • document

  • key-value

  • wide-column

  • graph formats

This makes NoSQL perfect for managing large-scale, cloud-based applications and hierarchical data storage.

Let’s examine these two languages in more detail to understand how they manage and manipulate data.


The language of databases is SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language. It is used to:

  • Manage and manipulate data within databases

  • Efficiently retrieve specific information from databases for analysis

  • Manage and manipulate relational databases

SQL is a versatile, powerful, and widely used language, making it a must-learn for anyone dealing with data.

SQL’s power comes from its ability to execute complex queries with ease. It allows developers to create, read, update, and delete data in a database, making it an essential tool for data management. Whether you’re a data scientist crunching numbers or a web developer managing a website’s database, SQL can make your job easier.


In contrast to SQL’s structured approach, NoSQL databases handle data in a more flexible manner. NoSQL databases are designed to handle large volumes of unstructured and semi-structured data. They prioritize scalability, rapid queries, and frequent updates, making them well-suited for modern applications that handle large amounts of data.

NoSQL databases support various data models, including document, key-value, wide-column, and graph formats. This versatility allows them to manage different types of data efficiently, making them perfect for large-scale, cloud-based applications and hierarchical data storage. From real-time analytics to mobile application data, NoSQL databases can handle it all.

Mobile App Development Languages

As mobile devices increasingly dominate the digital scene, the need for languages suitable for mobile app development has surged. Swift and Kotlin are two such languages, each tailored to a specific mobile operating system.

Swift, developed by Apple, is used for developing applications for iOS and macOS. It’s a powerful and user-friendly language that allows developers to create sophisticated and efficient apps for Apple’s ecosystem.

On the other hand, Kotlin is a modern, statically typed language for Android app development. Developed by JetBrains, Kotlin is designed to be fully interoperable with Java, making it a popular choice for Android developers.

While Swift and Kotlin are primarily used for iOS and Android development respectively, they’re not the only options. Let’s further examine these languages and their specific offerings for mobile app development.


Designed by Apple, Swift is the go-to language for iOS and macOS app development. It’s an open-source language that combines the performance of compiled languages with the ease of use of scripting languages. Swift’s syntax is expressive and easy to read, making it a great language for beginners and experienced developers alike.

Swift is not just for apps. It’s also used for other Apple platforms, including watchOS for Apple Watches and tvOS for Apple TVs. The language offers a range of powerful features, including type safety, optionals, and error handling, making it a robust and efficient tool for all types of Apple development.


Kotlin, on the other hand, is favored for Android app development. It’s a statically typed language designed to be fully interoperable with Java, allowing developers to use existing Java libraries and frameworks while benefiting from Kotlin’s modern features.

Kotlin’s expressiveness and safety features make it a joy to use, and it’s been adopted by many big-name companies for their Android apps. Some of these companies include:

Kotlin is making its mark in the Android development world.

Versatile and High-Performance Languages

In terms of performance and versatility, some languages distinguish themselves. C++ and Rust are two such languages, known for their efficiency and high performance. These languages are often used for system-level programming and other applications that require low-level control and high performance.

C++, an extension of the C programming language, is known for its speed and efficiency. It’s used in a wide range of applications, including:

  • Operating systems

  • Embedded systems

  • Game development

  • Web browsers

Rust, meanwhile, is a modern language designed to address the shortcomings of older languages like C++ and Java. It combines low-level control with high-level safety features, making it ideal for systems programming and other applications that require both performance and security.

Let’s examine these two high-performance languages in more depth and understand what sets them apart.


C++ is a powerful language that provides efficiency and high performance for large-scale systems. It’s popular among programmers for its exceptional speed and efficiency. Originating as an extension of C, it provides enhanced functionalities and is widely used in diverse applications.

C++ finds extensive application in performance-critical environments such as client/server applications, commercial products, and video games. If you’re looking to develop high-performance applications, C++ is a language worth considering.


Rust is a fast, secure, and robust language designed to address issues with older languages like C++ and Java. It’s a modern language that provides low-level control with high-level safety features, making it suitable for low-level systems programming.

Rust is particularly suited for tasks that require memory safety, high performance, and precise memory management. Its robust and fast design makes it well-suited for creating secure and efficient system code, making it an excellent choice for systems programming.

Emerging and Niche Languages

Beyond the well-established languages, emerging and niche languages also provide unique benefits for specific scenarios. Two such languages are Elixir and Go.

Elixir is a functional programming language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. It’s particularly suited for high-traffic websites and highly scalable applications, thanks to its efficient handling of concurrent processes.

Go, on the other hand, is a modern language developed by Google that prioritizes performance and efficiency. It’s a statically typed language with garbage collection, making it suitable for systems programming and machine learning applications.

Let’s further examine these other languages and their potential to succeed in the future.


Elixir is a functional programming language that’s designed for scalability and maintainability. It operates on the Erlang VM, known for its ability to run low-latency, distributed systems. Elixir was specifically designed to improve productivity and extensibility within Erlang’s ecosystem, making it a powerful tool for building scalable and high-traffic systems.

Elixir’s concurrency and fault tolerance make it a great choice for constructing distributed, fault-tolerant, and scalable systems capable of managing high volumes of traffic. Whether you’re building a social media platform, an online marketplace, or a high-traffic blog, Elixir has got you covered.


Developed by Google, Go is a language that’s designed for performance and efficiency. It’s a statically typed language with garbage collection, offering a balance of performance and simplicity. Go’s syntax is simple and straightforward, making it a great language for beginners and experienced developers alike.

Go prioritizes performance and efficiency through its use of synchronization mechanisms for thread-safe execution and efficient resource management. Its simple design and quick learning process make it a great option for developing web servers, data pipelines, and machine-learning packages.

Whether you’re a data scientist working on machine learning models or a systems programmer building high-performance systems, Go is a language worth considering.

Career Considerations and Language Selection

Selecting the appropriate programming language can significantly influence your career. The tech industry is constantly evolving, and the demand for certain languages can change rapidly. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep an eye on industry trends and align your learning with the languages that are in demand. Some popular programming languages to consider learning are:

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • Java

  • C++

  • Ruby

  • Swift

By staying up to date with the latest trends and learning in-demand languages, you can enhance your career prospects in the tech industry.

However, mastering one language is not sufficient. The tech industry appreciates versatility, and proficiency in several languages can lead to a variety of opportunities. Additionally, different languages are better suited for different tasks, so having a diverse set of skills can make you more adaptable and successful in the tech industry.

Some languages that are highly valued in the tech industry include:

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • Java

  • C++

  • Ruby

  • Swift

  • Go

  • PHP

By learning and becoming proficient in these languages, you can increase your chances of success in the tech industry.


The world of programming languages is vast and diverse. From general-purpose languages like Python and Java to specialized languages for web development, database management, mobile app development, and more, each language offers unique advantages and potential for specific use cases.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your programming journey or a seasoned professional looking to expand your skills, there’s always a new language to learn and master. So, keep exploring, keep learning, and embrace the endless possibilities of the programming world!

Frequently Asked Questions

JavaScript is currently the most demanded programming language in the market, with Python also being highly sought after in the startup industry. Both languages are considered to be the best for beginners.

Yes, learning coding in 2023 is incredibly valuable and a gateway to numerous opportunities. Starting with Python is an excellent choice.

If you are interested in computer science and engineering, Java might be a beneficial starting point. However, if you are a beginner looking for simplicity and readability, Python may be a good place to start. You may find that learning Python becomes easier once you have already learned Java.

Consider learning these 3 future programming languages between 2022 and 2030.

Learning Python is advantageous for beginners due to its simplicity and readability, as well as the extensive support from a large and active community. These factors provide a wealth of learning resources for those just starting out.